Forest of the Lakes

I have a story that I really need to share with... someone. I don't have a lot of contact with my family, so I guess sharing it online is my only option. Here goes nothing.
My name is Veronica, but everybody calls me Vera. I was born on the 8th of August, 1993, in a small town in Vermont named Taskawignagiwa. It was pretty much a ghost town when I lived there; when my parents grew up there in the 1970s, its population exceeded 20,000, but when I was born in 1993 the population had lowered down to less than 30. The reason for this population decline and why my family and I moved away from the town when I was only three years old? The Forest of the Lakes.
The Forest of the Lakes was a beautiful forest. It had tall trees of many different species and colors, beautiful crystal-clear lakes and streams, as well as a general comforting vibe. However, as its name suggests, the forest was most famous for its lakes. There were three of them; Jane-Holly Lake, Mary-Rope Lake, and Patricia-Ann Lake. All three were named after murder victims.
Jane de Beer was the first murder victim. Mary Day was the second murder victim. Patricia and Ann Hernandez were the third and fourth murder victims.
I can't be bothered telling you the rest, sorry. I hate the story and it kinda scares me so.... Bye!